About Us

BoulderingBuddy is dedicated to providing tips, techniques, and guidance for boulderers of all levels. Founded by avid boulderer Mark Harris, our site aims to spread useful information about bouldering locations, gear, training, and more. With decades of combined bouldering experience from our staff, we offer advice to help you crush your next bouldering project.

Our Team


Mark Harris – Founder and Editor-in-Chief

Mark first tried bouldering on a trip to Linville Gorge when he was 18 years old. Since then he has been hooked, dedicating most of his free time to bouldering trips and hard projects at his local bouldering gym. Mark started BoulderingBuddy to share his passion for the sport and help other boulderers reach their climbing goals. Mark’s Instagram.

Alex Taylor

Alex Taylor – Senior Editor

Alex grew up next door to fellow bouldering enthusiast Amelia in North Carolina where their families would often vacation at Linville Gorge. After seeing boulderers there at age 17, Alex was inspired to start bouldering. Now 23, he brings his 6 years of bouldering and outdoor writing experience to his role as editor at BoulderingBuddy. Taylor’s Instagram.


Amelia Miller – Contributing Writer

Like his childhood friend Alex, Amelia was exposed to bouldering in Linville Gorge during family trips. She started bouldering at 15 years old with Alex as his partner. Now 25, Amelia draws on his decade of bouldering adventures to provide expert advice as a contributor to BoulderingBuddy. Her Instagram. 

We met Mark in North Carolina in 2020 and immediately bonded over our shared love of bouldering.

We’ve been growing BoulderingBuddy ever since!